Thursday, September 18, 2008

Storms, and birthdays, and crashes, oh my!

This past week has been a whirlwind, no pun intended.


So the big windstorm that was the remnants of Hurricane Ike went through the city on Sunday afternoon and caused a royal mess. Close to 900,000 people without power. 90% of the houses in my neighborhood got some type of damage, though thankfully my house escaped damage. Also fortunately, I got my power back late Sunday night. There are still a good chunk of people without power today. It’s made for some crazy times this week.


Work’s been a little crazy trying to get customers situations straightened out. Most things have been small, except for yesterday.


Yesterday, I had a nice easy day planned. It was my birthday after all! However, that’s not the way it worked out. I had a customer get power back early that morning, and their server was fried. Hardcore fried to the point I couldn’t do anything with it. So the rest of yesterday, and all day today, and probably all day tomorrow, I am trying to restore from backups to a new server to get them running again. It’s a very slow, tedious, and nerve-racking process.


So, the birthday came and went this year quietly. I’m thankful for that. I did get out to lunch with Karen (simple and quick at Applebees), and she got them to sing for me. I find that type of thing embarrassing normally, but it was actually nice yesterday. And it was good to catch up with Karen. And then I got a wonderful gift from Andrea that night after class. She made a homemade dinner (stuffed shells) and brought it over for me to enjoy. She also got me a framed quote, one of my favorites from The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. The quote is:


Knowledge alone does not suffice; it has no heart. No amount of knowledge will nourish or sustain your spirit; it can never bring you happiness or peace. Life requires more than knowledge; it requires intense feeling and constant energy.


It was a very thoughtful gift!


All in all, it’s another year past, and another started. I’m in a good place to start this one for a change, and I am positive it will be a good year.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Status Quo

Yes, I haven’t updated in a while. I know, I’m a horrible blogger ;).



What’s new with me? The simple answer is not much. I did get to go on a wonderful vacation to San Francisco a few weeks ago. That was extraordinarily nice. What a fun city to visit!


Other than that, it’s been Kung Fu and work.  Fu is difficult. Black Belt really ramps things up again. I’m enjoying the challenge for the most part though. I did find out that my shoulder is not really healed. I have a visit with a specialist this Thursday, after my MRI two weeks ago shows a torn rotator cuff. I’m not looking forward to the surgery for that if that is indeed what it is.


Overall, I am not where I thought I would be at this point. Nothing has quite happened the way I thought it would. That’s life for you though. I may not be where I thought I would be, but I am evidently where I am supposed to be. Trying to figure out what I should be learning from everything going on is not particularly easy, but that’s ok. I’m starting to understand myself a little better.


I have had some good experiences and some bad since I posted last. I’ve met some great people, and I’ve had my spirit uplifted a bit by some of them. I’ve reconnected with some other people from my past, one in particular, and that has been very interesting.  I will not bore you with details. I will however try to post more to keep things updated better.