Monday, January 30, 2006

Sick still

Better now, but still pretty sick. I push myself too hard all year long for the most part, and then once a year my body just says…… “How ‘bout no? Is no good for you? ‘Cause I’m not doing it anymore, I’m done for a while.”


It’s been 5 days of little food because nothing sounds good, little sleep because of fevers/coughing. I still managed to go to work Thursday and Friday, but I couldn’t do it this morning. I feel better, but I still feel very physically weak, no strength at all.


Oh well, gotta rest sometime. Work will be crazy the rest of the week, so I might as well enjoy the rest now.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Blech, my crazy schedule finally caught up with me. I’m sick. I’m running a decent fever, and I can’t even think about eating. Just choking down some Propel fitness water is difficult.


It’s times like these that being alone really, really sucks. That has to be one of the best things about having a significant other. Having someone to take care of you when you are sick.

Monday, January 23, 2006

"Aziz, Light!"

Well, this has been a long day. Let’s shed a little light on things, shall we?



Sunday was tough. Parents came over, and with my and my brother, we got the washer and dryer moved to a different part of the basement. Part of this was installing a sanitary tub as well. (You have no idea how difficult it is to wash a 28lb cat in a standard bathtub!!!!!!!!) So, we ran new plumbing, new electric, and new dyer exhaust ducts. My brother and dad worked on the plumbing, and I did the rest. I’m good at electric work, having had my apprentice license for a while in college, so that was cake. Running the duct work was a little more difficult, and I ate up my hands pretty good. Talk about death from 1000 papercuts!!  My brother and dad finally got everything done, and it all works without any leaks. I’m very pleased, and the whole place looks different. I’m very thankful for their help.


While we were doing this, mom went ahead and painted my room upstairs. It was extremely nice of her, and it’s really cool to have things changed. I had not painted the room since the house was built, and that room carries an awful lot of memories. I can now make new memories in a room that looks nothing like the one my ex and I used to sleep in, and I can tell you that makes a big difference. For now, I am simply thankful to have family that will work hard to help me make things the way I want them. It’s sooooooo hard to get started when you are on your own. Mom and dad made it easy this weekend, and I will be much happier as a result.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Gnomes are Holding Secret Rituals!

Just Look, what else could it be?


Well, what an odd day. My insomnia continued last night. So after the lack of sleep Thursday night, I went home from work and took like a 20 minute nap. That helped a little. Then I couldn't fall asleep until 3AM. I woke up at 7:45AM when Chloe got up for the morning. She was very loud this morning, and that killed any thought of sleeping in.

However, today was a good day. Since I was up early, I started cleaning, and darned if I didn't completely redo the entire basement. I moved everything around, cleaned real good, I even rewired some of the outlets. I hadn't changed the area since I moved in, so it was time. It looks much better. I feel much better, I actually got something accomplished today.

The insomnia is worrying. This is a somewhat normal cycle for me, but it means that my brain is working on something. At this point it's all completely subconcious. It sounds weird, I know, but it's just how things work for me. At some point, my subconcious will give way, and I'll understand what's going on. I just hope that point is soon. If this is anything like the last time this happened, it was about 2 weeks before I could sleep again.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Well, after such a lovely week so far, last night took the cake. I watched the Crosstown Shootout, then wasn’t tired so watched some SportsCenter until midnight. Went to bed, couldn’t get comfortable, so was up until 1AM. No problem, right? Don’t have to get up until 7:00AM, maybe 7:30, should be good, right? Hehehe, hahahahaha, not so my friend!


            At 4:54AM by my clock (which is 5 minutes fast) I was WIDE awake. Not a wake up, go back to sleep, no. Stone cold sober, full brain function, no way in hell I’m going back to sleep AWAKE. I tried to at least get tired again by laying with eyes closed for 20 minutes. Hehe, right, that’s going to work. Even the cat being curled up in my side didn’t help like it normally does. So, I got up and came into work.


I hate the way my mind works sometimes. Oh well, I’ll post more later.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

No updates

Yes, yes, I know no updates. The past few days have been super busy.


I’m ultra-stressed at the moment. Too much going on, not enough time to get it all done. To add on to that, one of my customers is really getting on my last nerve. I had 45 emails from various people at that organization THIS MORNING that I had to answer.


Although it may not appear so, I am human, and there is only so much I can do. This whole week really has me down. Actually, I think emotionally I’m the most down I’ve been in probably 6 months today. Nothing seems to go right. I chipped a tooth, which I can’t afford to get fixed until week after next. I have a massive headache as a result, and 1500mg of aspirin didn’t do a damn thing to help with that. I almost wrecked 4 times getting into work this morning, partially due to stupid people, partially due to the fact that my car is POS and doesn’t like to stay straight in good weather.


The tooth bugs me, a lot. It means another month of not having the extra money I’ve been needing because I need to have it fixed. Not only is it a visible chip, it’s painful. Damnit, another $300 I didn’t want to spend.


Somehow, I get up every morning. Days like today I wonder why I bother.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Relaxation Time

Well, last weekend for Joe Hsu to be in town, he leaves to return to China on Sunday morning. We went out to dinner last night, and I believe we are going to go to the Montgomery Inn this afternoon for a final nice meal type of thing. I probably shouldn't spend the money, but I'm going to anyway :).

This has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen.......... and I've seen (and done) a lot.

Considering how much caffeine I consume in a day, this study might prove to end up being a good thing if I ever find a woman to share things with again :).

Ok, that's enough random thoughts from me this morning. Have a good weekend!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006


Well, it's Friday. This week has flown by.

I'm still not smoking. This week has been much better. I think I can really do it this time.

My decision to not hang out with everyone has been a bit harder. I still feel like this is the right choice, but I'm going to be really lonely until I can get some new friendships cultivated. 2 nights this week I sat home by myself because everyone went to Al's place. Those nights were pretty long. I tried to fill the time cleaning and straightening up the house. I was at least partially successful.

Why does doing the right thing always have to be so difficult?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Holy Busy Days Batman!

Ok, sorry for the no update for a few days, things have been crazy. Work has been really busy this week, lots of broken things to fix, lots of unbroken things to setup.

Morning Contemplation: They say that all good things come to those who wait. However, They also say Carpe Diem.
Conclusion: Do They really have any idea what They are talking about?

Note: This should have been posted this morning, but the email evidently didn't work for whatever reason.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Public Service Announcement

Remember they are always after you!!! This man knows!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Alright Saturday!

Whew, what a brutal week. Still no cigarettes though! I'm very happy about that, and I feel better already. My friend Joe is staying here an extra week before he goes back to China, so that's great as well. Tomorrow we shall go get drunk and watch the Bengals! Hehe, it may not seem like much, but life is grand at the moment :).

Hehe, if I lived in Austin, Tx., I'd be here right now!

The Hobbit Feast!

And now, a random picture from a random location in my files!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

This one's just for Karen, since she absolutely loves this cat!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Day 4

Alrighty. Four Days, no smokes! Although I’ve had some hellacious cravings today, and in the past 3 days, I’ve managed to stay off the smokes so far. It’s a lot tougher than I was expecting this time, but still not as bad as I was fearing it would be.


I’ve kept my exposure to smokers to a minimum, choosing to not go out than to hang with smokers. This won’t be permanent, just until I can safely kick the habit without temptation. I’ve made sure there are no smokes in the house, in the car, at work, etc. That helps a lot, since I refuse to pay $5 for a pack. I gave away all the Chinese cigarettes that Joe brought back this time, so those are gone.


I’ve been very anxious. I’ve not had the anger this time that I’ve had in the past. I’ve been very scatterbrained. 3 times I’ve felt like I am tripping, complete with visuals. (Let’s just say it’s scary to start seeing things in the middle of a client’s office, and KNOW that you are seeing them and they aren’t real). That’s kind of fun in a way, but only if you KNOW what’s happening and why.


I need to do laundry bad to get the smoke smell out of my clothes. That’s easier said than done, since I live with two others with a baby. I thought I was bad with laundry, ehehehehehe, not anymore. They must go through enough clothes to keep half of Pakistan warm for the winter…….



Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Can you imagine someone trying to open a place like what this guy is talking about somewhere in Cincinnati? Can you imagine the uproar it would cause? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the money to try it?,69948-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_5