Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I found out this weekend that yes, I can break boards with my hands and feet. And do it in front of 150 people too ;). It’s something I never thought I would learn to do! (And I’m going to try concrete before too long……)


I really can’t stand people that are enthusiastic about everything. I’m sorry, but it just seems fake. Do your job, and shut the hell up, I could care less that you are excited to do it. I do mine, and I do it well, but I don’t pester people by telling them how much I love what I do.


There are times I miss being an “ultra geek”. I no longer have 5 or 6 PCs running at my house, and I no longer have spares for friends to play on when they come over. This really isn’t a bad thing, but I definitely don’t learn as much as I used to, if you can believe that. I no longer eat, sleep, and drink tech stuff.


In a rare thing for me, I can’t honestly tell you the last time I was let down by one of my friends. I think this has a lot to do with changing the group I hang out with most of the time. I don’t miss that part of my old life at all.


I find it hard to blog recently. And I’m not sure why.


Karen said...

blogging is fun! and we care about what you're up to!!

good job this weekend - sounds awesome!

Viki said...

I think it's so cool that you can break boards with your apendages (sp?) - it's one athletic feat that I know I will never be able to accomplish and I will be forever in awe of you.

I hear you on the super peppy people, too. I usually have trouble not smacking them.

Martha said...

I am so amazed that you break things w/ your appendages. Can you teach me?? (I know. I don't think we've ever met. Whatever.)

Maybe these people are just trying to spreading Positive energies. :)

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

Yes, it can definitely be taught. And it really doesn't matter how strong you are, it's all about physics ;).