Monday, August 06, 2007


Ya, that pretty much sums up the past week. With no AC in the dojo, this weather sucks to work out in. It’s hard to breathe, and you start sweating right as you walk in. Craziness!



Meditation is coming along. It’s difficult to meditate with lots on your mind, and everything that Jen and I have been talking about has definitely added to the difficulty. At the same time, the meditation has made it somewhat easier to deal with these things in positive ways, rather than exploding and getting mad, which helps no one.



I believe what I wrote last week. I’ve lost my ability to laugh somewhere along the way. That doesn’t mean I’m completely unhappy with life in general. A great many things in my life I am content with. And the rest I think I can work on, with Jen’s help, and the help of my friends.


Everything’s always a work in progress!



Finlands finest said...

Hot---yep thats how I would describe you, hot!

I can definately work on your ability to laugh through, dare I say it, the T word, ummm Tickling!

Word verification today: ykkar

Mamma Sarah said...

HOT! That's an understatement! This weather SUCKS!!! But, would agree with Jen in her statement if that's what you ment to say... lol.

Laughter is something that is amazing... I'm sure that Jen will help you (and others too) in finding your laughter again!

Karen said...

how you survive with no ac is BEYOND me. That seriously would be justification to look for a new dojo in my book!

Unknown said...

I find it incredibly amazing how frail and strong our human mind can be at the same time. One day, you can drop a proverbial atomic bomb on our life, and we shrug it off like nothing. The next day, someone can say the slightest thing to you, and it sends you off on a fit of rage or sends you into a deep depression.

Time magazine had an interesting article in it this week about how we all walk the razor's edge of madness. That sanity is just barely kept in our minds, and that it is easy to cross that line.

Remembering how to put aside the strains of life, and laugh and have fun everyday, is surely a recipe for avoiding madness. Without laughter, we all wither and die. I know you have a funny bone in there still. :)

Martha said...

ahhh. it's been sunny and in the 60's and 70's here. I think I heard we were supposed to reach 80 by the end of the weekend. It's perfect!