Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sunny Days

The past few days have been gorgeous. I can’t say I’ve taken full advantage of it. I did lay out in the sun long enough yesterday while playing sick from work to get a nice burn, but my time has mostly been spent thinking, which I think is appropriate since I was supposed to have gotten married this past Saturday.


I won’t say that this was a good thing. I turned off my phone for the most part, and didn’t talk to anyone. I’m trying to figure out if I’m really on the path I’m supposed to be on at this point. I think I am, and I think the struggles I am going through support that argument, but it’s really hard right now.


I’m having some pretty serious self confidence issues. Nothing I seem to do works out the way I want it to. I’ve lost tons of weight, but don’t feel attractive in the slightest. I’m considered the best tech where I work, but I feel like I can’t do anything right recently.


How many times does one have to pick oneself off the floor, just to get knocked back down? And when is it smarter to stay down?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe it is a fallacy to think there is a path you are supposed to be on. We all choose paths to walk down, and when you are on that path, you should fully engage it. The beauty of life is that, we can at anytime, pull out a machete and start a new path. There is no suppose to in this world, there are only the choices we make. Now, to question, is this path good for me, well, that is a key question, and very rarely and easy one to answer. Sometimes the path may seem the worst one to take, but at the end, you find the most wonderful experience of you life. Other times, it may seem great, only to leave you sorely disappointed. This is the great unknown of life, and what makes life interesting.

That's my opinion, take it or leave it, but at least consider it.