Wednesday, January 21, 2009

25 things I know about myself

This is from Facebook, but I thought it interesting enough to post on the blog, since I sync them up anyway ;)


Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it is because I want to know more about you.



1.       There are times when I feel like I am living someone else’s life, as I can do things I never thought myself capable of before.


2.       I’d rather work on 3 or 4 things at once than one thing at a time.


3.       I am not afraid anymore


4.       I dream in very vivid color, every night, though  I usually don’t remember specifics


5.       I believe that the only people that should be given power are the ones that don’t want it.


6.       I think sometimes I was born 200 years too late or 200 years too early


7.       I have more freckles than just about anyone else I know, and in more places, such as the bottoms of my feet.


8.       I have watched the sun rise over the Atlantic Ocean, and the sun set over the Pacific Ocean.


9.       I have swam in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, the Caribbean Sea, all 5 of the great Lakes, and more rivers and lakes and various bodies of water than I could name.


10.   I have been outside when it’s 125 degrees, and when it’s 30 below no wind chill.


11.   I have never been in a better place personally in my entire life.


12.   I have free dived to a depth of over 100 feet.


13.   I am a science dork in my free time. Currently reading :


14.   I need to start playing music again


15.   I do not own a book that I have not read at LEAST twice, and I own a LOT of books.


16.   I have setup a network in a hotel room to play games with friends, AFTER just spending 4 days playing games with them at a LANParty.


17.   I have given a speech in front of more than 3000 people.


18.   I am actually quite shy


19.   I love technology, and love my job because of the fact that I get to work with it.


20.   I “see” the streets in my head when I think about directions or give someone else directions.


21.   I think everybody should be cool, this is a robbery


22.   I think the next 20 years will bring changes that none of us can foresee.


23.   I haz a flavor


24.   I think on my feet really well


25.   I truly believe that love and kindness can conquer pretty much anything

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