Friday, January 02, 2009

A New Year

Indeed, it IS a new year. Time for some reflection, and for some celebration!


Quite a bit happened in my life this year. I was engaged, but canceled the wedding after realizing that I was not in the right relationship. New friendships started, other friendships ended, and old friends I had not spoken with in many years re-entered my life at times. I sprained my MCL, broke my collarbone, and partially tore my rotator cuff. I got my black belt in June, and began pursuing a 2nd degree black belt with passion and zeal.


I met people that changed my life in many ways. Each added their own unique push as I made the journey of self discovery this year.


Most importantly, I found something very important this year.  I found myself. I found confidence I didn’t know I had. I found that I had more control over most areas of my life than I thought. I found that I could do things I never thought possible. I continued to do the right things, eat the right things, and lose weight, to the point I weigh less now than I did in high school, but am capable of so much more. I discovered that through patience and perseverance pretty much anything is possible.


In many ways, 2008 was the best year of my life.


And yet, I realize now that I am just beginning to discover what I am really capable of. I have set the foundation to build upon, and it is finally solid. I know who I am now, and now it’s time to grow even more. I learn each day how to remove the limitations I had trapped myself with.


2009 is going to be a GREAT year!


Karen said...

well hello again! :) here's to the best in '09

Mamma Sarah said...

Cheers to a New Year!