Wednesday, May 23, 2007


A few thoughts for today:

If had to do my job for another 20 years, or 30 years, I do believe I would kill myself first. It's simply not worth it.

I get tired of people asking the same damn questions every day. AFTER I write the instructions down for them and tape them to the monitor so that they can look at them. But they don't want to look at them, and have told me they don't want to look at them, they'd rather call!

I get tired of listening to parents complain about allergies, or cuts and bruises, or hurt feelings, or whatever, and making it sound like their child is the most put upon child on the planet. How the hell did any of us get here? Did nobody but me ever fall off their bike when they were little and skin their knee? Did nobody else have horrible allergies? I sure did, and I was told to get back out there, get back on, stop sniffling and blow my nose. You know what? My allergies are nearly gone, I've learned to play through pain, and I've learned that a little blood is good for you sometimes. And I've learned the real world is a harsh place, no matter what some people would have you believe. And it always will be, and the sooner you get used to that, the happier you will ultimately be. Otherwise, you are in for a lifetime of disappointment.

I AM tired of people not helping themselves. When did we become a country of helpless idiots? What happened to the people pulling themselves up by their bootstraps with a nickel to their name? The only people willing to work that hard nowadays don't start here in the US, they come here from other countries. And they make US look bad.

I AM tired of people assuming that they know me, they know my type, or they know what I want. It's really simple: ASK!

Friday, May 18, 2007


What a long week! After working part of last weekend, and just being generally busy, I actually turned in over 50 billable hours this week. On top of that, I went to the dojo for 2 hours on Sunday, 3 hours Monday, 2 and half Wednesday, and 2 last night. So you can see why it's been hard for me to find time to post :).

Here is one of my all time favorite links:

These pictures have a very nearly physical pull on me. They represent the future, albeit a much farther distant future for us than I would like. Spending time looking at these really makes me wonder. And this is the major point of what I wonder.....

This planet should be our springboard to populate the places in these pictures. That means many things. It means sustaining the environment here to learn how to coexist with new places we find. It means learning to exist as one people, rather than separate countries. It means a truly global economy.

We are this one, infinitesimally small point of light in the great darkness. If we can overcome these internal struggles as a whole, we can spread it. Otherwise.....

Monday, May 07, 2007


From Karen's blog.

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

I've been through some of the ones I didn't put down here. Some states need more than one....I.E. Arizona north is very different from arizona south, same for California, etc.........

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Ok, I’m slow in responding, but here are my 7 things. I don’t have 7 other bloggers to send to, so I’ll be a little anarchist and not do that part………



1.)    I could literally swim before I could walk.


2.)    I am a complete wuss when it comes to little pain, like bee stings or pinches, but I can take big pain, like broken bones or the like, with no problem. (hehehe, just ask Jen)


3.)    I typically prefer my own company to anyone else’s, with the exception of 3 people. (Sorry, no hurt feelings, won’t reveal that here.)


4.)    I have difficulty relating to men. Women? No problem!



5.)    I truly believe that there is no lower calling than politics. Our current system is nothing like what the founding fathers intended, and it will never get any better while the masses have their current apathetic attitudes. I can’t even stand to listen to most people talk about it.


6.)    There are times I have difficulty communicating with people because even I can’t keep up with the ideas that go through my head.


7.)    I truly believe that I was born either 200 years too early, or 200 years too late………