Wednesday, October 25, 2006


It seems like time is crunched together. This week has positively flown by so far.


Obviously the big news is that Jen will be in town in a few hours. Which means that our new life together technically starts tonight. Very exciting!


I finished Cell unexpectedly the other night. Ending was totally not what I was expecting. Not bad, just different. Very quick read overall, enjoyable, but nothing to write home about methinks.


Being around generally smart people all of the time, I forget sometimes that what I do makes no sense to anyone else. Case in point……. I had a weird confrontation with an older, shall we say countrified, gentleman today. I was eating lunch, minding my own business and checking email on the phone when this guy just sits down across from me in my booth. He asked me if I was playing some video game or something. I said no, tried to get back to eating and working. He asked if it was one of those “pod-things”. I laughed, said no, explained that it was a tool for work, and that I was doing email. He looked at me with this totally blank stare. I said, you know, email, like letters, but on the computer. No response…. But he wouldn’t leave! So I explained that I was talking with my customers over the internet….. to which he said “So you’re looking at porn, because that’s all the internet is good for, right?” It took every once of restraint I had not to bust out laughing. I politely explained that no, there are many other ways people use the internet, etc. etc. etc. I finally got him to leave, and the waitress came up and apologized to me. She said that he is in the restaurant every couple days, and he always picks someone to pester, and that he was harmless, etc……


Talk about odd!!!


Sarah said...

That's hilarious! Gotta love it when strangers approach you and ask if you're looking at porn! That would have made my day!

Mamma Sarah said...

That's awesome and scary at the same time. We all know that you were looking for pictures of Jen on the net and not doing email. :-P

Karen said...

that is crazy. i want to go to this restaurant just to see if i'm cool enough for him to talk to me!

Viki said...

Feeling the need to analyze this guy...he's one of those old guys who, during his working life, was in charge of stuff. Being in charge of stuff and people made him feel good about himself. Now that he's old and doesn't have anything to be in charge of, he needs opportunities to feel like the boss again in order to make himself feel good and useful. The fact that he doesn't understand technology makes him feel insecure, so by being pompous and making fun of it, he makes himself feel better as well.

Karen, I'm sure he'd talk to you, but I'd imagine he's the type of person who doesn't put much stock in women - he'd be one of those people who'd feel like women had no place teaching business classes.

Finlands finest said...

I think its a great story! Karen, I'll go to the restaurant with you!