Monday, October 09, 2006


Ya, I got nothin, sorry.


The past week has been hectic yet not.


I didn’t go to Fu all week due to doctor’s request that I take some time off to let my knee get a little better. (I did, went back tonight, feel pretty good really). So no surgery, just do whatever my pain level will tolerate. Watch the knee on that side for hyperextending, which is what is causing the pain. If the pain doesn’t decrease in 3to6 months, then go back for exploratory surgery.


So I did some stuff around the house, got caught up with a few friends.


Friday I went to Brian’s ex Erin’s wedding. That was alright. Nothing too special, non-traditional in some ways.


Saturday was Greg’s reception. That was fun, and it was nice to see Lingling having some fun around English speaking people again.


Sunday I went to a Fu party for our teacher Joe, who was crowned Grand Champion at the tournament in Sept. That was lots of fun. We ate, we hung out, we talked Fu, we watched some of the video footage. It was lots of fun overall.




I haven’t felt like I have much to post.  I’ve been on a pretty even keel recently, so no big drama to report or bitch about.


I’m anxious to get Jen moved down here and stop this distance relationship. After a few months, it really wears on you. I don’t show it near as much as Jen does sometimes, but I feel it just as keenly. I’m like anyone else, and I have my worries and concerns about working everything out once she gets here, but I can’t say that I’m not looking forward to it regardless.


I have a thousand times more confidence about this relationship and this choice than I ever did about my last marriage. But, I was young and stupid, and I thought there weren’t any problems that couldn’t be fixed somehow. I know now that 1)not all problems HAVE to be fixed, 2) not all problems CAN be fixed, 3) sometimes the problems aren’t the important things that have to be worked out.



Overall, I’m perfectly content with my life at this moment, and the future only looks better. What more is there to say?


Karen said...

well, even though you "don't" have much to say, you said a lot. it's great for a friend to be able to read that her friends are happy. :)

Mamma Sarah said...

It is wonderful that you are so happy. You can totally see it when you are around Jen. :-) Not that I have seen you without.

That's cool to hear about your KF teacher getting Grand Champion.

Anonymous said...

What are your worries and concerns???

Finlands finest said...

Just to let everyone know I did go to Greg and Lingling's reception with Tom. Then we got some alone time to relax and chill. It was nice!