Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rainy Saturday Morning

So yesterday sucked. I had a job to do in Lexington at 7PM. Store has to close before we can swap equipment out. So, I get down there around 6 to get things unboxed and get ready to start at 7. This is when the manager decides to tell me that they aren't closing until 8. Why you ask? Because they have ONE customer that needs to come in late and ship something out. I ask the manager if he's joking, and I get a very caustic look. He wasn't kidding. They do this at least once a month for this customer. So that sucked big time. I didn't get home until 12:30.
So on this wonderfully rainy Saturday morning, I am going to the dojo for a seminar. (Actually I'm sitting in the Panera next to the dojo grabbing breakfast as we speak). This one is a benefit for a couple that attend the dojo. They recently lost their first child at 6 months due to SIDS I believe, and then Kelly tore ligaments in her knee about a month after that. So they are having difficulties, and our master thought this would be a nice gesture for them. I agree wholeheartedly, and this type of thing is why I attend the dojo that I do. It will be fun, and it will help someone at the same time. Good stuff all around.


Viki said...

Hope you can bill the extra hour of your time from last night - how frustrating...

Mamma Sarah said...

Sorry to hear the job turned out to be longer than it should have. I hate people who don't inform others of changes in schedules. Then you're wasting your time.

Karen said...

that is really great!!