Monday, November 13, 2006


Saturday was the drunken boxing seminar. Absolutely lots of fun, and my body hurts in all sorts of odd places. It’s a really neat kata. Very different than our normal stuff. Very fluid.


After the seminar, Rachel and I watched OSU destroy Northwestern. Was fun to relax and watch good college football.


I spent a lot of the weekend after that recovering. The cold snap really has done a number on my joints. Everything hurts, and my left leg in particular is killing me. I’m hoping working out tonight will put things right. We are supposed to do some partner stretching tonight, so we’ll see.


I got a lot of reading, and even played a new game for a while. Got a few things done around the house. All in all, too short, but not bad.


Mamma Sarah said...

Ugh to this freakin cold weather and making bodies hurt. It's no fun! Hope the stretching helped.

Sounds like you got a ton of personal time in this weekend to do some fun things. That's so important to do for yourself!

Karen said...

you're 50X more in shape than i'll ever be, even with sore joints!

Viki said...

I hate the weather, too, but more than the cold - I hate the constant weather changes. They create havock in my sinuses which is not good for singing. I've had to take Benedryl every Sunday morning before church so I can cantor.

Glad to hear it was a nice weekend, though!