Thursday, December 14, 2006


Some thoughts for today:



How many of us, when thinking of the future, look no further than ourselves? What are we doing tonight, tomorrow, next week? Are we planning on children, are we saving for retirement?


I’d say 98% of us see the future in this way.



What does that mean for humanity in general? Especially in this country, we are taught to worry about ourselves and make sure that we as individuals plan for our own futures. However, what if Isaac Newton thought this way? Einstein? Let’s go back further…… what about various religious figures? Do you think Jesus thought only of himself? Buddha? Mohammed?


What are you doing to foster humanity’s growth rather than your own?


Mamma Sarah said...

Hmmm. Thanks for the questions to make me think.

Karen said...

i think it's natural for people to just think primarilly of themselves. think about it, when you look at a group picture with yourself in it, your eyes are naturally attracted to your own image.

i think it's great to consider humanity (duh) but a lot to ask for 85% of the population, sadly.

Viki said...

Yes, definitely a good question - I was going to say that I don't think much about others, but...

I'm hoping that my singing in church is good for humanity in that it helps people have a better spiritual experience. I also try to recycle, not because I think my kids will benefit from it because I'm not trying to have kids, but because others the grape. :-) I'm also now starting to volunteer with the children's dance group at the German club by singing with them - again, not because my kids will do it, but because these kids need to learn about their heritage, and because it makes their grandparents so proud, and I love those cute little old German people.

I usually feel bad that I'm not doing more, but I guess I'm doing more than some people...

Katharine said...

I would argue that Americans do NOT even think of themselves for the future...they let the government take care of it (what? are we socialist??) Not convinced? why do we rely on social security and medicare. And more importantly why do young people getting just entering the workforce now worry about SS and MC when they have the time to prepare and take care of themselves and their families. Why do we bitch and moan for others (specifically the gov't) to help us out when we get ourselves into predicaments (why build a home/life below sea level and EXPECT the gov't to bail us out when it -SURPRISE- floods....why plan lightly for a climb in oregon? maybe because others will risk their own lives to come in to look for us when it goes awry) I would agree though that it does not bode well for the world and all of humanity when we won't even take care of ourselves...even though we should be able to.

Martha said...

Good questions to ponder. Admittedly I know I can do more. I pretty much go in phases based on circumstances.
I work to feed people.
I volunteered with a special riders program thru the Winton Woods Riding Program, until I moved to OR.
Donate money, clothing, food to charities/organizations for less fortunate.
Give change to some needy (no, I don't walk down the street giving money to any person who asks).

Karen - depends who else is in the group photo.

Kathy - funny how people have to pay into social security but govt/public empoyees pay into a personal retirement account.

I think it's unfair to say people don't consider the welfare of humanity: firefighters. police. doctors/health care. search and rescue teams (their dogs, too!). foster parents. blood donors. Peace corp. military. human aide/relief organizations. animal rights activits. Many people even risk their OWN lives to save another.

Martha said...

P.S. If Jesus thought only of himself he wouldn't have died on the cross, turned water into wine, healed the blind, forgave the sinners, awake Lazarus from the dead, ETC.

also. I'm not planning for retirement. That's why I'm looking for a sugar daddy. JUST KIDDING. I started retirement plans when I was 19, and added a 401K with my last real job.