Monday, December 11, 2006

Weekend of 9th and 10th

So, we went to Chicago this past weekend for Jen’s Christmas party.


I took Friday off, so we left around 9AM and got up there. It was COLD!!!! The northern parts of town, where we were, still had as much as 6 or 7 inches of snow in spots, but nothing to really impede travel. We got up there around 2PM local time, and Jen went into the office for a few hours while I read. We went to a local brewery for dinner, which was awesome, then came back to the hotel to sit in the hot tub for a while.


Saturday we got up and went to a little café for breakfast. Being conscious of money at the moment, we decided to take it easy during the day, and just spent the time together lounging around the hotel napping and generally just being a cute couple. ;)  Then we got dressed up and went to her party. It was very nicely done, at a country club up there. The food was fantastic, and Jen works with a genuinely nice set of people. I was honestly impressed with how much they really seemed to care for one another outside of work. So, it was a great night overall.


We woke up and got out of Chicago around 9:30 or so. The drive back was uneventful, and we had a relaxing Sunday at home for the most part. My one cat evidently ate something she shouldn’t have, so that was a wonderful surprise that I cleaned up when I got home, but that’s alright. You could very obviously tell she wasn’t feeling good when we got home. Very sluggish, very out of it, and I couldn’t get her to purr at all. By late last night she seemed to be feeling a little better, and this morning she was definitely better. So, we’ll see what happens!


Karen said...

i like the comment about how genuinely caring the co-workers are. i think that's evident in their desire for jen to be happy and letting her keep her job and move to cincy. nice to see there are still companies who care about PEOPLE and not just the bottom line.

Viki said...

Hope the cat feels better - how's she been eating and everthing?

Glad you had a good time in Chicago, though. And just for the record - last weekend was like a heat wave around here!