Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So, getting used to a house without my rather large cat running around has been weird. She was close to 30lbs, so it’s odd things that I notice are gone.


I don’t hear the THUMP on the floor when she jumps down from the bed to greet me when I come home. I don’t hear her running up and down the stairs when she hears the food bag rustle or the treat drawer get opened.


I miss her getting under my feet all the time. Jen can tell you that she tripped me up on more than one occasion.


Moose is starting to miss her at this point. He doesn’t particularly care to be alone. He’s been wanting a lot of attention, which is somewhat strange for him. He’s been very vocal.


I spent most of Monday night cleaning half of the basement. Towards the end she had really done a number on the concrete floor, so it’s going to take me a bit longer to get it all right. I rearranged a few things last night as well. I hope to have most things done by Friday, but we’ll see.


Jen and I are going to get Moose a companion most likely before she leaves again on January 8th. Jen being home right now is a really good thing for Moose, because he doesn’t have to be alone.


The vet I went to in order to have her euthanized sent me a nice card in the mail yesterday that made me cry a little. It’s hard losing a friend you’ve had for 13 years, even if that friend can’t really talk in words. It was tough to bury her. I buried her the way that she normally slept, half on her side half on her back, with one paw covering part of her face. I buried her deep, and when spring comes around, I’ll plant a rose bush on top of her to mark the place properly.


The rose is a wonderful allegory for most friendships. They are a pain to take care of, they have thorns that can draw blood quickly and cut deeply, but they produce the sweetest smelling and most beautiful flowers around. I find it assuredly appropriate that I plant one where Ojos rests now. And considering that she liked to hide in my existing roses, I’m sure she would too.


Mamma Sarah said...

What a wonderful tribute to your furry companion. :-)

Karen said...

you're such a sweet guy. i'm glad you have jen and moose to keep YOU company!

Viki said...

Sounds like she liked to sleep the way my Sepp does - he likes to cover his eyes with one of his paws...

Your writing about Ojos almost makes me miss her, too...