Friday, January 20, 2006


Well, after such a lovely week so far, last night took the cake. I watched the Crosstown Shootout, then wasn’t tired so watched some SportsCenter until midnight. Went to bed, couldn’t get comfortable, so was up until 1AM. No problem, right? Don’t have to get up until 7:00AM, maybe 7:30, should be good, right? Hehehe, hahahahaha, not so my friend!


            At 4:54AM by my clock (which is 5 minutes fast) I was WIDE awake. Not a wake up, go back to sleep, no. Stone cold sober, full brain function, no way in hell I’m going back to sleep AWAKE. I tried to at least get tired again by laying with eyes closed for 20 minutes. Hehe, right, that’s going to work. Even the cat being curled up in my side didn’t help like it normally does. So, I got up and came into work.


I hate the way my mind works sometimes. Oh well, I’ll post more later.

1 comment:

Karen said...

why of all things would you go to WORK that early in the morning. you own like a million books! take the time to live in "someone" else's reality!