Monday, January 23, 2006

"Aziz, Light!"

Well, this has been a long day. Let’s shed a little light on things, shall we?



Sunday was tough. Parents came over, and with my and my brother, we got the washer and dryer moved to a different part of the basement. Part of this was installing a sanitary tub as well. (You have no idea how difficult it is to wash a 28lb cat in a standard bathtub!!!!!!!!) So, we ran new plumbing, new electric, and new dyer exhaust ducts. My brother and dad worked on the plumbing, and I did the rest. I’m good at electric work, having had my apprentice license for a while in college, so that was cake. Running the duct work was a little more difficult, and I ate up my hands pretty good. Talk about death from 1000 papercuts!!  My brother and dad finally got everything done, and it all works without any leaks. I’m very pleased, and the whole place looks different. I’m very thankful for their help.


While we were doing this, mom went ahead and painted my room upstairs. It was extremely nice of her, and it’s really cool to have things changed. I had not painted the room since the house was built, and that room carries an awful lot of memories. I can now make new memories in a room that looks nothing like the one my ex and I used to sleep in, and I can tell you that makes a big difference. For now, I am simply thankful to have family that will work hard to help me make things the way I want them. It’s sooooooo hard to get started when you are on your own. Mom and dad made it easy this weekend, and I will be much happier as a result.

1 comment:

Karen said...

This all sounds excellent! hooray for brand new starts!!!