Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I believe it’s a challenge to live one’s life as part of the experience rather than passively experiencing life.


I believe age is the sum of your experiences, and it has nothing to do with numbers.


I think most people experience merely 30% of what really happens during their day. The other 70% is discarded as distracting, off topic, background, etc……………


I believe some people don’t need to tune the other 70% out………


I believe this difference in experience gave rise to the term “old soul”. Although usually attributed to those who have experienced much tragedy or hardship in their lives, it is not always so. Some people just seem to have experience more overall than most others do.



I believe it’s possible to make one’s soul younger. Through surrounding oneself with positive people, doing creative and beneficial things with one’s time, and through sheer force of will, one can retain the life lessons learned yet still view the world with a sense of wonder and newness. And continue to learn new lessons in everyday activities.


Is this not the true fountain of youth?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how old are you by experience?