Sunday, September 03, 2006


The entire weekend thus far has been incredibly restful. I won’t claim to have been totally inactive, but it’s been close. We saw “Crank” last night with Brian. It was an entertaining action flick, nothing entirely special. Some neat visual effects, I’d say worth the money to go see.


I’ve gotten quite a bit of my book read this weekend, without even trying a whole lot. I’ve had lots of little bits of time to read a chapter here, chapter there, and I find I’m halfway through.  2 more after this one, and I’ll have all 6 in the Dune prequel series done. They’ve been really good books, very enjoyable.


I am slowly organizing myself into training mode again. I’ve got to get studying for some certifications again.  This is a daunting task, and I’m not sure how I want to accomplish this. However, I’ve been given the end of Sept as a target date for taking the test.


I refuse to stress out about this.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got some much needed rest honey!