Friday, October 27, 2006


Well, it’s Friday again! This is the just the third Friday since the end of June that Jen and I aren’t planning a trip to or from Chicago. It’s really nice. Jen is still 5 hours away, in Youngstown for a wedding. But, it’s not Chicago!!


Jen got here Wednesday night, and we had a nice night together. Then last night Karen came all the way out to the eastside to have dinner with us. I fixed up some potato soup, and it turned out pretty good. I think I know what I can do to speed the process just a tad, as it did take nearly 3.5 hours to make. But I was overly cautious about not burning the milk, so I think I can use some more heat next time and get done a little faster. I was pretty happy overall, and it was great company and a nice night in to welcome Jen to Cincinnati.


Jen and I are slowly getting things together. Finances are going to suck the first month, since her house isn’t sold yet. Paying for two mortgages on two houses is not an easy thing! But, we’ll figure it out, I’m sure. Figuring out all of the various house things will take some time, but I don’t think it will be bad overall. Again, it’ll just take some time.


It’s funny how easy it is to fall back into the pattern of living with someone. I already know which towels are hers, and I don’t use those. I already sleep on “my” side of the bed, even when she’s not there. All those little things came back right away, even after 3 years of living very, very much alone. And it doesn’t sound like much, but it makes all the difference in the world.


Karen said...

the soup was divine! your blog made me smile.

Mamma Sarah said...

Your blog made me smile too... brings back wonderful memories of when Danny and I moved in together.