Thursday, November 09, 2006

Voting and Blahs

Yes of course I went out on Tuesday to vote. The lines were long, but things moved along fine. I was generally ok with how most things turned out, but then again, voting 3rd party means never really seeing your candidates win. At least not yet. But, it’s important to go out and vote anyway. Just for the issues if nothing else.

I’m disappointed the minimum wage issue passed. The part where employers have to disclose your salary to ANY interested party is really, really bad. I can’t believe that people didn’t look at that part of it. Would you want your ex-significant other to know what you make now? What about the principal at your kid’s school when they are figuring out what kids pay for what activities? How about the pastor at your church when he gets ready to ask for your tithe? Ugly, ugly stuff, I’m telling you.

I’m disappointed issue 3 failed. More money to Kentucky and Indiana, so let’s see just how much Cincinnati itself becomes a ghost town now.

I’m glad 4 failed and 5 passed. As an ex-smoker, I do find it difficult to be in smoking places. I understand it’s my choice, and I exercise that when I can. But it’s not always possible. Plus, now I won’t get cravings as often when I’m out. All around good deal I think.

I’m hoping today helps to clear the general blasé feeling I’ve had the past several days. My weather concerns are usually more physical than emotional, but this past stretch of gray days hasn’t been good for either. (The cold is horrible on joints, and it makes my foot scream a lot). It’s sunny and nice here, and should be at least part of tomorrow as well. However, I also get to work tomorrow night….in Lexington. Grrrr.

I’m having trouble posting more often recently. I feel like this is for lots of reasons. Time is a legitimate one, but probably the least valid. My original purpose of using this like a journal is more difficult now. Text can be so much more difficult to interpret than spoken word, and more than one disagreement has already been started over words posted here. I also feel like I can’t adequately express everything I need to here. Issues are more complex than I can convey properly.

I feel like I’m still caught up in a whirlwind. I’m afraid that while I have learned to be happy on my own, I’m no good at helping other people to be happy. I’m afraid that since my needs are simple and refined after my failed marriage, I am no longer able to understand the more complex needs of someone with a different background. I’m afraid that I am so comfortable on my own, and in my own head, that I can no longer really understand those who thrive off being around other people. I’m afraid that my silence at times gets taken for sadness or for anger when that’s really not the case.

I guess maybe I feel like maybe I’m just not good enough right now. And I don’t know what else I can do because I feel like I’m doing everything I can.


Karen said...

totally agree with you on the minimum wage thing.

as far as blogging losing its luster as a good medium for getting thoughts out - yeah, anything that's public and people you know read is goign to lose that privacy factor. And while it sucks that things you've said have caused controversy... well, that's kinda the name of hte game. :( how are you going to handle it?

Viki said...

Wow - we've had minimum wage stuff going on here, but as far as I know there is nothing that says wages will have to be disclosed. That part is a little weird, and I don't think I get why it's necessary. As for minimum wage being raised, when a family of four is living below the poverty line because both wage earners only make minimum wage, yes, raising it is necessary. I know taxes and prices on things will go up for the rest of us, but when was the last time we didn't have enough to eat or a nice warm house in the winter (other than the 2 winters in Italy when keeping the house warm was next to impossible)?

On the smoking issue, I assume they've banned smoking inside in Cincinnati? They've done that here, which is disappointing only when one really, really, really wants to have a cigar in the winter. :-)

On the other note, being an introvert myself, I get the not understanding people who thrive on being around others. Trey tends to be more social, though, and so I try to as well. Blogging has helped that a little, I think, and so has making a very concerted effort to be more social. Good luck...