Sunday, November 26, 2006

Whirlwind Holiday

Whew, what a busy holiday!


Wednesday sucked, as I ended up working until nearly 10PM. So things got started out on the wrong foot for sure.


Thursday we did some decorating around the house, helping Jen get ready for Christmas. Then we went to Jen’s parents’ place for dinner. It was pretty low key, which was fine by me.  Still made for a long day however.


Friday we got up and went to go look for a new pair of glasses for me. It’s my Christmas present from Jen. Considering I got my last pair on Sept 22, 2000, it was long past time to go. We got a little bit of shopping out of the way as well. The good news is that my prescription hasn’t changed in 6 years. The new specs come in next week, since they are bifocals and they couldn’t do them in an hour.  Then Jen went to bake some cookies with my mom and her mom, and I stayed home to complete part of my Christmas present to Jen. I planted all the flowers that I had in the garage for next spring. I moved some of my existing flowers around. I moved everything out of the garage, swept it out, hung some cabinets, hung some shelves, and completely reorganized the entire garage. It is now much easier for Jen to get in and out of her car, and we have lots more room overall. It looks pretty good, and she was surprised when she got home. That night we went to Brian’s place for a small party. Cloppert, Brian, RaMandy, Al, Brandon and Marie, Jason and Alice, Greg, Kris, Nieport. Pretty much the whole crew was there. It was a nice time, and we got home pretty late.


Saturday we got up and went to the bank so Jen could open an account. We also had her car inspected by the BMV in preparation for her driver’s license transfer. We stopped at the grocery, then came home for a bit. Jen slept on the couch while I cut grass. (Yes, I had to cut grass the last weekend of November. If this is a side effect of global warming, it sucks.) I did a few other small things outside, then came in and woke Jen. She did some work in her office, and I finished my current book. I started book 2 of the series, then fixed us dinner. We ate, then watched the new James Bond, Casino Royale. I liked it, could be a very nice start to a fresh James Bond series of movies. We came home, and Jen wrapped presents. Greg stopped by for a bit, and we watched USC v ND. Jen fell asleep on the couch, and we ended up going to bed very late.


We got up early this morning to take Jen to get her rental car, since she leaves tomorrow morning. I came home and fixed her breakfast, like I have every morning this holiday actually. We are trying to just relax today, since it feels like the holiday has been entirely too short this time around.


Karen said...

quite thorough! :) sounds like you definitely made the most of your long holiday vacation! i bet the garage was a huge step!

Finlands finest said...

I love the garage Tom!!

WOW it sounds like all I do is sleep. You must keep me up late and make me get up early. :)

Viki said...

Jen, I don't think you sleep all of the time - I imagine your naps are very infrequent and much needed when they do happen...