Wednesday, April 12, 2006

More Pics

These pictures are from the wildlife preserve on the island. Although difficult to see, the top photo has a 6ft alligator in the center of the picture. The middle picture is a mangrove forest. The bottom picture is some of the many species of birds that frequent the preserve.

I have spent many hours here, seen many things. I've seen manatees, alligators, crocodiles, dolphins, many others. I understand how the ecology works, and I've seen what people tend to do to it. It makes a big difference. I get chided sometimes by friends when I cut up pop rings (the plastic pieces that hold sixpacks together), but I tell them that they would understand if they've seen the pelicans with scars or dead from them stuck around their necks. I don't consider myself an environmentalist, but I believe there is a part of it that all of us should follow. It's part of what makes me ME and it flows through all parts of my life.

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