Thursday, April 20, 2006


The truth is difficult, always.


Who really wants to know that the world is not the place of sunshine and light that we thought it was when we were kids?


Who really wants to know that most people wouldn’t stop to give you the time of day, much less help someone in need?


Who really wants to know that your boss doesn’t think nearly as highly of you as you think he/she does?


Who really wants to know that the work that they do will mean absolutely nothing next year/10 years from now/100 years from now?


Who really wants to know that their great-great grandchildren won’t know any more about them than their names in all likelihood?


Even more difficult is telling yourself the truth, especially when you don’t want to know that it’s the truth.


Do you want to tell yourself that you aren’t quite as charming as you think you are so you can work on it? (No, I’m a lady/man killer)


Do you want to tell yourself that you aren’t in the same shape you were when you were 20? (No, still in great shape)


Do you really want to tell yourself that you didn’t get the promotion because you weren’t smart/good enough (No, it was politics, I swear)


Do you really want to tell yourself that you are racist/bigoted? (No, I have many diverse friends, I just can’t name any right now)


Do you really want to tell yourself that perhaps your life isn’t what you thought it was? (No, I have the perfect wife/husband, the perfect job, the perfect house)


Yet we all tell ourselves these lies on a daily basis. And it cheapens our existence. The old adage is really the truth: The truth shall set you free.


It’s scary to tell yourself the truth, but without it you can NEVER grow. You can wear sunglasses every day to block out the glare from the truth, but you will NEVER see all the colors that are out there.


You will grow old and wonder where your youth went.


You will grow old and wonder why you have been with the same boring person doing the same boring things every day/week/month/year. (That answer is simple…’s easy, it’s safe, it’s what everyone wants you to do)



SO…………stand up. Challenge yourself. Tell yourself the truth, and if you find you can’t figure it out, ask someone. Everyone knows at least ONE person that sees the truth and isn’t afraid to tell you what it is. Value those people, seek their counsel. They are the few in this world that can help you be what you really want to be……… HAPPY.

1 comment:

Karen said...


while a very good and thought-provoking post, i was waiting to hear what you finally admitted to yourself that prompted this!
