Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday Thought

Alright, getting ready to leave for Chicago, and I’ll leave you with this thoughts for now……



Watched a fascinating show about the Mayans and their calendar last night. Their calendar ends on Dec 21st, 2012, which of course is the date that they believe not only the world, but the universe, will end. It just so happens that on that date our Sun has a very rare alignment with the center of the Milky Way, and our Earth completes a cycle of it’s orbit wobble, which happens only every 26,000 years as well. These two events are extraordinarily rare, and it’s odd that the Mayans were able to predict this during Europe’s dark ages. I’ve read other things regarding their predictions as well, very cool stuff. They perceived time a lot like modern quantum physicists, in that travel is possible not only forward, but backward. Pretty neat for a “backward” people…….makes you wonder just how much knowledge we’ve lost………………






1 comment:

Karen said...

that is pretty fascinating!