Monday, August 21, 2006


So, here’s what happened:


 A little over a month ago (July 16th actually), as I was in Chicago hanging out with Jen, she rather spontaneously proposed. No fanfare or anything, we were in her house. I said “Of course I will”, and then neither one of us knew what to say to at least a good 30 seconds. And then we laughed. And then we started figuring out how we are going to do this.


So, we’ve spent the past month planning on getting our parents together at once. We finally got this accomplished on Saturday. We introduced them to one another, let them talk for a few minutes. I then explained to them that Jen had proposed, I had accepted, and that since the proposal was so unconventional, we got them together to ask for their blessing and support at once, rather than tell each group separately. We explained that we aren’t setting a date until Jen moves down here, which she is in the process of starting to work on today.


Both sets were delighted at the news. Her mom just kept laughing the whole night. No one was really surprised at the news, only at the timing. So that’s good.


And, we’ve decided that we are getting married in Costa Rica. So, start saving up if you want to join us! You’ve got at least 18 months!







Finlands finest said...

Should there have been fanfare dear???

Karen said...

GREAT recap! LOVE IT! and YOU TWO!

Viki said...

There does not need to be fanfare Jen. When Trey and I decided to get married it went something like:

T-So I'm pretty sure they're going to send me to Italy next summer.
V-Wow, so I guess that means we should get married before then, right?
T-Yeah, we should.
V-Ok. I guess I'll call my mom and tell her.

And so on. We moved fast, too - we met online May 10/11, met in person May 23, and moved in together August 23 with the intention of getting married - we just didn't know when.

Anyway, I guess the idea of this is - fanfare isn't necessary as long as you're both happy. Don't get down on other people not being happy for you - it's just because they're miserable themselves.

Viki said...

Sorry, I guess I just posted a response to Jen's blog on Tom's. :-)

Karen said...

that's funny! you two are the same person now!