Friday, February 24, 2006


So, I went home yesterday and I beat the crap out of myself. I went for the walk, was still angry at the day and a few people. So I did some yardwork, started getting things cleaned up for spring. That didn't help either. So, I worked out in my new space in the basement.

I have a heavy bag setup, and my PC isn't far from there. I turned on some Prodigy, and I went to town. I worked out for almost 90 minutes, just getting lost in what I was doing. I busted my knuckles on the bag, but I didn't even notice it. Hurt my foot a little when I got careless, but that's ok. I did 100 crunches, 50 push-ups, then hung from my gravity boots for about 10 minutes.

I only stopped because someone stopped by the house. I'm glad they did, because I wouldn't be able to move today if they hadn't. Hehe, I really do get carried away sometimes.

I feel better today, but I'm still pretty down overall. I saw something yesterday that I shouldn't have. But when someone told me it was there, I had to look. I guess part of me really wanted her to be unhappy for the rest of her life for what she did to me. I shouldn't have looked. Damnit, I shouldn't have looked!

I'm going to a party tonight with the dojo people. There will be enough consumption to drown all this bullshit out.

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