Thursday, July 27, 2006


Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I haven’t felt like I’ve had a lot to say, even though there has been a lot going on.


A few thoughts today:


A good friend really made me look hard at what I do for a living, and asked me if I was really happy doing it. I say that I’m happy, and I think for the most part that I am, but Rachel really made me ponder that. She and I have been discussing a lot of psychology (her major and graduate work, and one of my majors in college) recently, and she thinks I’d be a really good therapist. And she also thinks I might be unhappy at work, although I don’t talk about it much.


I was struck at how perceptive her comments were. I’m glad to think I have another friend in a very, very small group that know me well enough to see through my walls I put up. I find it flattering that all 3 people I put that group are women J.


I have finally come to truly realize in the past few months that I don’t consider myself young anymore. My tastes are different, my desires are different, my thoughts are different.  There are negative aspects of this and there are positive aspects of this. I’m not sure how to describe the difference between them, only that they are there.



I have been experiencing some small odd happenstances recently. I have had a handful of set of events where I feel like I’m operating at a higher level of (blank, no idea how to put this) than everyone else around me.  More in tune with my environment? More connected to something that lies underneath all of us? Like I’m taking in more from the same scenes? All of the above? (Yes, I think the answer is yes)



Ok, so that last part sounds weird, but it’s honestly true. It’s fascinating……………


Finlands finest said...

It is good to have people whom you trust surround you and challenge you to think about things so you do not enter into a rut....

Does this mean I should stop teasing you about being an old man??? Or is it just fuel for the fire??

There have been times where I have been with a group of people and seen the scene soo differently and at so many different levels it is somewhat scary. Sometimes it is like in slow motion where I feel like I should be able to change the outcome of a situation but in the end I cannot control others as if playing a video game which the sitaution feels to me. Sometimes I stand in a group and feel like the conversation and activities are so petty and beneath me.....There are other ways I have felt outside the group which I cannot even describe....

We should talk about that sometime.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested