Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ok ok, I'm posting, I'm posting!

Alright folks, sorry for the lack recently, Jen’s been commanding most of my time. And I mean that in every positive way possible.



So, here are my thoughts on how the weekend went, and everything up until now.


Friday Jen came in, came straight to my house from Southern Ill.. Friday was a long day, but I got off a little early. I stopped on the way home and picked up some fresh strawberries. I washed them up, and I just finished with the last one when she rang the doorbell. I opened the door, kissed her once for good measure, covered her eyes, and walked her into the living room. I grabbed a cool strawberry, told her to open her mouth, and fed her the strawberry, kissing half of it away from her.  The reaction was great, as I pretty much had to defend myself enough to get upstairs into the bed.


We cleaned up a bit, and went to meet her parents. That went well I think, although there wasn’t much time to socialize really. I got grilled pretty good by her old girl scout leader, and I think I made a decent impression. I was a little nervous, but that’s to be expected. Her mom laughed when Jen told her I had read one of the books that the two of them had read on Jen’s insistence. (Total romance novel…….like I told Jen, it’s girl porn……) When I told her that I finished it, she (Jen’s mom) smiled and told me I was brave. So I have that going for me. We went to dinner at that point, and we had a good conversation over dinner. We stopped by Allan’s place on the way home (more because everyone was in one place than because of any other reason). Jen got to meet Allan, Randy, Mandy, Brian, Brandon, Mike. Pretty much everyone in my old group. They had just started The Hills Have Eyes, so that pretty much dominated any chance for conversation. We stayed not long at all, then came home to spend a little more time with one another before Jen went back to her parents for the evening.


Saturday I worked in the yard all morning, trying to get my new flower bed finished. Almost, not quite, didn’t quite have enough energy. I went and picked up Jen at her parents’ place (I had to pass the important dog test at that point),  and we hung out for a bit before leaving for Karen’s. Alright, so we had sex for a bit before heading to Karen’s. I swear it wasn’t my fault we were late! I got to meet everyone, we played some games, we talked some. It was fun to be with a different crowd of people than my normal group to be honest, and it was nice to have some time with Karen outside of work, not mention talk with Jim for like the 2nd time since they were married J.  Again, I hope I made a decent impression, and I at least felt like I did. I took Jen back to her parents around 2AM. I had difficulty sleeping, and I ended up watching TV until 4:30 for whatever reason.


Sunday I woke up later than I wanted to be honest. I got some laundry done, and then Jen showed up to pick me up for her family reunion. It was extraordinarily hot of course, and the reunion was outside. We made the best of it though, and I walked around and met her big extended family. I got asked a thousand questions by many different people. I answered them all the best I could, and I think I did alright. I overheard some of the discussions regarding me (ya, so it’s handy to have picked up how to listen to 3 or 4 background conversations at the same time, ya dig?), and everything seemed pretty positive. There were some negative things, but actually not about me. Jen and I discussed them, and it was no big deal. Overall the day was good, and Jen came back to my place afterwards. We unpacked her things, and got comfortable for the evening.


I will say it was great waking up on Monday morning with Jen in the bed. I didn’t get the best night’s sleep, mainly because Jen kept snuggling closer while she was sleeping. She nearly pushed me off the bed twice! Anyways, I went into work for a bit, then came home early. Jenny and I stayed in Monday night, and frankly we wore each other out pretty well. Both of us slept well Monday night.


Tuesday we slept in. We went over to my brother’s house for a bit for Jen to meet my sister. My parents were there helping Kris work on his bathroom. So we hung out a bit, then came home and got ready to go to Karen’s. It was nice to see everyone from Saturday. And to meet Sarah again and her husband Danny. Very nice people. I will say that I had a hard time relaxing because of a certain uncle that was there. I never really did quite get comfortable, because I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure he wasn’t near me. I kept as low as possible. Overall, still a good time, and we went home and stayed up a bit late.


Today was alright. Busy at work, though I got to come home early again. Jen and I went out to dinner with my parents, my sister, and my mom’s friend Barb. We went to The Cabana down on the west side. On the way home, we stopped downtown to go to the Hustler store, a new experience for Jen. (I didn’t even suggest it BTW, she did!) Hehehe, that was fun. She asked a lot of questions, and we giggled a lot.



The past few days have told me a lot about myself, and a lot about Jen. We’ve discussed some serious things, we’ve had a lot of fun, and we’ve just generally tried each other on for size. I don’t think there is anything else that I need to know. Everything that has happened in my life up to now was solely so that the two of us could meet now. I’m ready to have her in my life as much as she wants to be in my life.

1 comment:

Karen said...

W-O-W. Ok, you made up for not posting before. :)

love your candor - you made me giggle.

Some comments:
1) Jim really likes you. I too was nervous for the two of you getting together because you're obviously one of my best friends adn it's weird that you dont' know my husband at all. He thinks you're very smart and very personable. 2 thumbs up. I'm selfishly happy.

2) i understand about the "certain uncle" and saw you weren't totally comfortable. As i literally only said 1 sentence to him i can't imagine that he was as worried about you as you were about him. i get your position though.

3) you and jen are very cute together and as her friend i appreciate the comments in your last paragraph. Glad to see you make each other happy.

4) are you going to get her a puppy when she moves here in December? She's a dog person you know.