Monday, July 24, 2006

Weekend Update

What a fantastic weekend!


Jen came in Friday night, and we fixed dinner and enjoyed one another’s company. We visited my brother for about an hour or so, and they had RaMandy there as well, so that was fun. Then back home to hang out before bedtime.


Saturday was hectic, but in good ways. I got up early (7AM), waiting on the TWC guy to get there to fix my internet. My poor Toshiba cable modem finally died after 7 years of good service, so they replaced that, tightened some wires and all was good. While I was waiting, I got some cleaning done and what not. Jen got up, joined me downstairs, and we relaxed, had a leisurely breakfast, then went to the store to get a few things for the party. I went to the dojo for a few hours, and learned the rest of my sparring techniques for this belt. I came home, and we scrambled to get everything clean before people showed up. And my, what a party it was! We had a little over 20 people at one point. It was an awesome mixture of my old friends and my new friends. There was lots of alcohol consumed, to the tune of around 4 or 5 cases total, plus a bottle or two of wine, and some shots thrown in for good measure. (Hehehehe, Ben, Erin, and Jen all learned about BaiJo). Everyone left by about 2AM, except for Ben who crashed at my place. I finally got to bed around 3AM.


I got up at 8AM on Sunday to make sure that Ben made it into work. Jen and I relaxed in bed for a while after that, finally got up and just relaxed on the couch until we had to get ready to go to my niece’s baptism at 1:15. We went to that, so Jen got to meet my grandparents, one of my cousins, and one of my aunts. That was brief, then we went back to my place, and we really didn’t do much of anything until Jen had to leave. At that point, I went to the dojo to take Tai Chi. Brian came back to my place and hung out afterwards, helping me consume a little of the extra food I had left from Saturday night.


It was a fantastic weekend overall, though I’m a bit tired today. Should make the dojo extra fun tonight, but that’s ok!


Finlands finest said...

Good recap!!! You forgot to mention how great all of the food was!!!! ;)

Karen said...

yeah for fun weekends and large doses of relaxation thrown in! sorry i missed the party!