Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Last night was 2 hours of dojo time, which was brutal in this heat. But good nonetheless. Then a couple of hours of discussing philosophy, reality, psychology, and quantum mechanics/physics with Rachel. Excellent conversation, very insightful, very thought provoking.


I won’t go into details yet, as I am still working on how to say everything I want to say on that.



So, here’s my list for today:


1)       The Israeli/Lebanese conflict going on makes me very nervous. It’s very easy to see it escalating into something none of us wants. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it, and if we go in as a country, we will only make things worse. In this ONE instance, we just need to stay the hell out of it. I’m a supporter of pretty much everything else we’ve done in the Middle East, but we simply don’t have the capabilities, or more importantly the political clout in the area, to do anything worthwhile.

2)       The tsunami in Indonesia is also scary. None for a very long time, then 2 of them in the same area within a short period of time? Can we say major tectonic plate movement? Can we say expect more? Those poor people are in for it I think.

3)       The net neutrality legislation making its way through our legal process has much bigger ramifications than anyone can possibly realize. As free citizens of our country, the politicos should not have the power to restrict our freedoms in the way that they intend to do. Anyone with a brain needs to write their congressman and put a stop to it. The beauty of the internet and email is that you can write it once, and then send it to EVERY member of the House, and EVERY member of the Senate if you wish. That’s partly what I did yesterday, and yes, everyone I could find an email address for got a letter, including the VP and President. And some of his cabinet members as well. Oh, and our state legislators as well ;). Carefully sent out in 20 member segments to avoid spam detection and ISP backlash. Stand up, speak out, take part in our democracy, or shut the hell up when things happen you don’t like.



Oh, everyone needs to bug Karen to update her blog when she’s on vacation. I told her she wasn’t allowed to go if it meant she couldn’t update her blog for two weeks. I need some support here people!


Finlands finest said...

I think Karen owes it to her readers to update her blog on her alaskan trip....

Can you share more about the net neutrality legistlation. I don't think I know very much about it.

Karen said...

you're killing me people!