Wednesday, June 07, 2006

So I kind of intentionally started something at work today. And I got a really surprising response.

I've been very frustrated the past week waiting around for work, waiting for people to get back to me, etc. This is mostly due to people doing things very inefficiently on our scheduling side of things or blatantly disregarding some of the guidelines we have in place.

So today I had no billable hours. Through no fault of my own. So, I took some initiative and took some projects off one of my boss' hands (with his permission). So stuff he's been sitting on for 2 weeks, all 4 projects, I called each customer and got them scheduled. And then I was still waiting on one of co-workers to finish a job that was supposed to be done last week. So I did what I could around the shop. And then I waited some more. And this has become a common thing the past week or so, and if there is 1 thing I cannot stand, it's being BORED.

SO, I snapped. I wrote a big email, with the support of the other tech, and said "Hey, we're doing this wrong. Give me control, let me fix it." I was respectful, laid out reasonings, and gave possible solutions. I stated past experience managing this part of a business 10 times our size, and offered to take it over. The caveat was that I got full control of service. All requests for service go through me. With appropriate guidance from the owners, and the understanding that I was sure to make mistakes along the way, and that I would need help to do it.

And the response so far from one of the owners was "I agree, as far as I'm concerned it's yours now." So we are meeting tomorrow or Friday to hammer it out. And this is my path upwards, just like my boss said was coming :).

I'm excited, I think :) !!!!


Karen said...

well that's fabulous! congrats on getting recognized for your initiative! good luck!

Finlands finest said...

Wonderful!! I think that you will do a fantastic job!