Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Blah week

Ya, definitely a blah week.

I'm not sure what the deal is, but I have yet to deal with a pleasant person this week. Every place I've gone, everything I've done, I've run into assholes.

I must look like everyone's outlet. I have been bitched at for things out of my control.
I have been ripped by customers for things other people have done.
I got bitched at when a customer caused a problem (I was supposed to know she would do that, and make sure she couldn't. No really, that's what I was told.)
I took the brunt of a bad day from another customer today, this time because their fax machine broke. I don't work on fax machines, never have.
Even people I know and that know me have been on edge. I have yet to talk with a friend this week without it getting ugly in some way for the most part.

I'm just not understanding it. I've been super extra nice to everyone the past two weeks because I've been in such a good mood, and instead of getting that back, it's been the opposite. The couple of times I've needed to talk no one has been available for whatever reason.

I had a hard time getting up this morning, and I've had a real hard time staying in a good mood today. Physical Therapy was extremely difficult this morning, and my pain level has been worse today than it has been in 3 weeks.

I suppose the good mood had to crash sometime, I just wasn't expecting it in this way I guess.

1 comment:

Finlands finest said...

Sorry that you're having a tough week. I am in a great mood and have yet to bitch at anyone....
so if you need to talk....
I find that diplomacy is best on weeks that you're having. Good luck, hope things improve.