Friday, May 19, 2006


Ok, so here's what happened last night.

I got to play hero again. She ran out of gas on the way to my place, and I had to run and rescue her. She was pretty embarassed, so I really downplayed it and told her not to worry about it, and I made sure to tell her about my times running out in the past. That made her feel better. She had some work to do, so I read while she did what she needed to. (BTW, Stephen King JUST KILLED ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS, and ^&*&$(%^O& if he didn't kill one I wasn't expecting him to. I was shocked)

We hung out for a bit after that, talked about a few things. Time went by way too fast, and before we knew it it was 2AM. I offered to let her crash, and she accepted. I was a complete gentleman the whole time, and I offered to take the couch if she wanted the bed. She was fine with the couch she said, so I got blankets and pillows for her.

She was still sleeping this morning when I had to leave for physical therapy. She woke up briefly, and I told her to sleep as long as she would like. She thanked me, and went back to sleep.

I'm cool with everything so far. Patience, patience, patience.


Anonymous said...

when are you giving her the key???

Karen said...
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Karen said...

if you let me spend the night at your place and then left me alone after you'd gone i'd be touring your house in "more detail"

Finlands finest said...

You have way more patience than I!! (Applause)

Good luck and keep the updates coming. I am trying to live vicariously through you since my scenerio isn't going nearly as well.