Thursday, May 18, 2006


Right, so, I was planning on laying low tonight. I decided I wasn't going to call her, just so as not to appear too over-eager. I really don't trust my judgements in this area right now, been way too long since I've had to play this game. So, I start cleaning around the house, doing various odds and ends.

My mom calls. She and I had somewhat of an argument, and for the first time in I don't know how long, she called back to apologize. And who calls while I'm talking? Exactly. And I can't get my mom to stop talking long enough to ask her to hang on a second. AAAAHHHHH!!!!! So, the call goes to voicemail, and she leaves a voicemail. I finally catch a pause in mom's rant, and I explain to her that I need to call her back and why. She immediately says "Why didn't you say something?"

So I call back, and of course it goes to voicemail. AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! And my fat fingers accidentally delete the voicemail before I can hear it. AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH!

The next hour and a half are pure agony. I completely forgot how much this waiting part of things sucked!!!!! I find as much as possible to keep myself busy. I start to think that maybe her voicemail was telling me not to call her or something. Oh my, how my mind goes nuts. Several times I ALMOST call her again and I hold off.

Finally, she just called. And asked to come over.

I'm so incredibly excited. And I'm going to play it as cool as possible. Oh what butterflies I have right now!!!!!


Karen said...

i don't care if you two stayed up until 3 in the morning. you can NOT leave your readers hanging like that!!!!

Finlands finest said...
