Monday, May 08, 2006

Dr. Update

I'm evidently a freak of nature, as some of you must already suspect, and others of you have been claiming for years............

The doctor was planning on having me stay in the boot for at least a few more weeks, perhaps as many as 5. However, based on xrays today, tests, and physical therapy results, he removed almost all of my restrictions. I've been given clearance to resume doing whatever I want to do.

He could not believe I had as much mobility and strength as what I do, which is weird for me because it feels so weak to me. He also said that he could no longer see anything on the xrays, which means it's healed clean.

It was a mostly wonderful report from the doctor, and much better than I had hoped for. I even got to go to the dojo tonight and start working again. It was painful, but in a good way. The leg has a loooooong way to go yet.

There was at least a bit of bad news though. The right ankle, my good one, will have to have the same procedure done at some point in the future. No timetable for it, but it's at least a year off, if not more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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