Monday, June 05, 2006

Book List

Ok, so by request, I'm going to list some of my favorite books here. This list will be long for some, short for others, I'm sure some won't care. These are books I will read over and over. Every book listed here, save for 2 that I just finished recently, I've read at least twice, most I've read more than that. Some are series, some are singles. All of them mean something to me in some way.

The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan (11 books, not finished writing)

The Dark Tower, Stephen King (7 books)

The Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin (4 books, not finished)

The Eternal Champion series, Michael Moorcock (Around 30 books, never really finished, loosely connected)

The Foundation series, Isaac Asimov (7 books or so, countless short stories. Scifi Great at his best)

Invasion: Earth, L.Ron Hubbard (10 books, done before he went insane and created Dianetics)

The Dune series, Frank Herbert (5 books, plus a whole bunch of new prequels by his son)

The Pendragon Cycle, Stephen Lawhead (Really cool Arturian retelling, 5 books)

The Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien (Duh)

It, Stephen King

Insomnia, Stephen King

The Stand, Stephen King

The War of the Worlds, H.G Wells

The Island of Dr. Moreau, H.G. Wells

Rising Sun, Michael Crichton

Congo, Michael Crichton

Disclosure, Michael Crichton

All Agatha Christie novels

All Sherlock Holmes novels

The unabridged works of Shakespeare

Alright, that's a good start. When I'm really on a reading kick, I finish a book a week, sometimes more. For me, that means at least 500 pages, I don't like short books :). My friends sometimes refer to my house as the library because I like to keep the books I've read. I'm lucky enough to have a damn good memory, so I can discuss almost any book I've read at any time, no matter how long ago I read it. I absolutely love to discuss what I've read :).


Karen said...

good god. it's confirmed that you read more than me. and jim probably thought that wasn't possible since i'd rather read than do anything else.

so if i ask to borrow books will you let me? do you have rules on not bending spines? do you make notes in the books for later reference?

Finlands finest said...

I know most of the authors listed, but really have only read Shakespeare and Tolkien. I have seen most of the movies developed from Crichton novels, so I have no idea why I haven't read his books.

That being said, some questions for you: 1. Are all of Stephen Kings books scary because I have shyed away from his books for that reason.
2. Can you answer all of Karen's questions because I love to borrow books since I have a limited library.
3. Are the Dune prequels written by Herberts son as good as the origional series?
4. Looking at this list where would you suggest I begin??

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.