Thursday, January 11, 2007


Ok, sorry about the number titles for the blogs, but the date it just the easiest way for me right now J



Got exercising in this morning, though it sucked. After doing 200 pushups and crunches last night in class, I was already sore. But I got through it. Oh, and I’ve decided to add 50 squats to my morning routine as well.



Today was depressing. I had to work for one of customers in Dayton that handles Senior Citizens, and specifically I had to work in the adult daycare area. Imagine 40 seniors wandering around an area in various states of dress and lucidity. Some of them were in wheelchairs, some not. Some were pretty normal folks, and some were Alzheimer’s patients or similarly mentally handicapped.


This one guy, Charles, kept coming up to me to tell me he had no money, then he’d look at me almost like I was going to hit him, and then he scoot away quickly. The first time it was odd. It quickly got just downright depressing. I got the story from one of the nurses after she saw what was going on. She explained that he had been robbed of his food stamps a few years ago, and he had never quite been the same since. The thief wasn’t satisfied with his answer of no money, so he beat him up pretty good, and took everything else he had. And Charles suffers from dementia anyway, and that episode put him on a path the doctors don’t think he can turn around.


I’m no angel, have never claimed to be. I will say I’ve never used violence as a solution to anything, and I very much still believe violence solves nothing. How could another human being use violence against an old man CLEARLY not in his right mind? ESPECIALLY if he has nothing of value to steal?


In this, I am old fashioned. I don’t believe the current justice system provides justice to people like Charles. It may seem medieval, but if I ever met this thief in person, I tell you right now that I would not hesitate to punch this person in the mouth. I realize that it may put me in trouble, that I may even go to jail, but I would still feel like I did the right thing. It’s scary to some I hang out with, but I never go in public without looking around to see what’s going on. I’ve stopped bad things from happening to strangers in the past, and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. I feel like people like me have a responsibility to look out for others, no matter what the cost might be to ourselves.



Ok, done ranting, sorry………………..


Karen said...

workign with the elderly, especially in that condition is something i could NEVER do and therefore i'm so grateful that there are people who want to. and do it so well!

even my 84 year old grandmother who lives in unassisted care (townhome on a nursing home property) won't go to visit the elderly in the "big house" becuase it depresses her!

Viki said...

I did a semester with dementia patients early in my music therapy training and decided I could never do it again - now my grandmother is getting worse, too. Most of the time she doesn't know who we are, though at her better moments will remember that she has grandchildren with our names.

My hope is that the guy who did the stealing of the food stamps/beating up didn't realize Charles had dementia. that would be like taking money from a church.