Thursday, January 18, 2007


Ok, sorry for the lack of update yesterday.


I’ve gotten my exercising in each morning, so we’re good there. Yesterday, that means I did a total of 350 pushups, crunches, and squats when you take into consideration my classes and conditioning class. So I’m a little sore today.



So, the past two nights have been similar to the one I posted last. More odd nightmares that just keep continuing after waking up. They have been different in content from the first night. Tuesday night was in some type of jungle with an animal hunting a small group of us. Another was somewhere cold, stuck outside trying to find shelter during a horrible storm. I will say last night’s wasn’t quite as bad, merely because it didn’t seem as long. That may be because I was exhausted from working out.


As annoying as it can be to be tired a lot, it’s also kind of fascinating. These are very, VERY vivid dreams, not like most of mine. It’s almost as if I’m dropped into the mind of the person experiencing what’s going on. No one refers to me by name, it’s always familiar. Military sometimes, like sir, or sometimes it’s just as if I am with friends. I’m always confused at first as to where I am, and then I just know. I don’t know how I know, but I do. And I know what’s happening, even though I don’t know how things got the way they are. And they always start for the most part in the morning, just as I am waking up in the dream. Like at the start of the day.



Now the fun metaphysical thing to consider here is this: What if these instances at night are the real lives, and mine is just the dream? Or better yet, what if all of them, including mine, are real, and there is something connecting us during sleep periods? Is there something collectively we are supposed to do? Maybe my experiences are helping the others and vice versa?


Fun conjecture material…..seriously J.


Viki said...

That's some interesting stuff - do you ever hear the names of the others in the dream? If you do, maybe its some force trying to get you to find these people...interesting...

Mamma Sarah said...

Usually are dreams are trying to send us some kind of signal (i.e. you need to do something full of adventure). I know that when I start dreaming like this all of the sudden something needs to or is going to happen.

They say that prego's dream a lot in their 3rd trimester... not this chic. Usually it's because you start to get anxious, scared, excited... I usually dream in color and very vivid things are going on.

Karen said...

i think you shoudl listen for names then go find those people!

Finlands finest said...

I agree with Viki!