Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year

First, I’ll be posting some resolutions in the next few days. I’m still deciding exactly what I want to do. But they’ll be posted here for everyone to read shortly.



Second, New Year’s was fun. Nobody wanted to plan anything, so we decided to host at our house for all the people that didn’t have anything to do. As it turned out, we had a full house! There was tons of alcohol consumed, and everybody generally had a good time. A few people had a little too much, and they crashed on the couches. Everyone else finally left around 4:30AM. Me being me, I went to bed around 5AM, and I was the first one up at 9:30AM. I made coffee while Jen slept, and got the sleepers up, awake, and out of the house. Once they were gone, I woke up Jen and made breakfast for her. Jen and I relaxed most of the day, then she went off to a wedding and did a few things around the house for me. We went to bed relatively early.



All in all it was a pretty good New Year’s.


Karen said...

i can't wait to see what a RBDF resolution looks like... this ought to be good

Viki said...

Getting married on New Year's day - that's cool...glad you guys had a good time & good for you for letting a bunch of folks crash at your place.