Friday, January 26, 2007


Today is a true TGIF type of day.


This week has been long. Really long. Longer than I can remember weeks being long in  quite some time. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice to say, I’m glad it’s over.



Sleeping hasn’t gotten much better. In fact, it’s gotten a little worse. I can’t seem to get caught up, and the nightmares have continued.


I have stayed on track with my resolutions, which I’m happy about. I will take Sunday off again, as my body is seriously in need of some rest.


Oh yeah, remember that thing I said about feeling like something bad was going to happen? It did this week. It’s not something I can relate to everyone here, but again, I’m always right when I have that feeling.




So, negativity aside, here are some more thoughts on the dream stuff:


Picture reality as a series of strings. ( I’m thinking 11 dimensional string theory from physics, but see it however you’d like. ) What if we each create our own worlds on these strings? Each consciousness is a “pearl” on a strand. Taken as a whole, the entire construct would be beautiful. Now, think that perhaps dreams allow us access to the individual strands themselves, and allow us a brief glimpse into the world of someone else.  When we look down the strings, just think how many wondrous things there may be for us to learn. Now think of the strings overlapping one another. The possibilities are endless………


Mamma Sarah said...

I would chalk the dreams up to stress. Try to meditate before going to bed to clear your head.

Hopefully you can be refreshed and have a better week next week. Enjoy the weekend!

Viki said...

I cannot begin to fathom 11 dimensions - this is why I'm not a science girl. Have you thought about seeing a dream analyst or a therapist about these dreams? Especially since you've been having them for so long?

Good luck...

Karen said...

do you get tired thinking so deep so often? ;)