Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Reflections again

So, as I said a few days ago I've been contemplative with the surgery, semi-isolation, and beginning recovery. Here are my thoughts today.

So I'm parked at one of my customers, and because I need extra room to get out of the car, etc, I parked a bit away from the door. I made sure no one was near me, to save my car doors, other cars, etc. The lot was pretty empty, and there were places everywhere to park. Nobody close to me, no reason to park near me.

SOOooooo, I go in, do my call, get done, go to leave. Someone has parked right next to my car. No cars within 5 or 6 spaces to either side of us. Right, so check this out. They park soooooooooo close to my driver's side door that I can hardly get between the cars.

Oh, right, not to mention that I couldn't open the door far enough to get my nice orthopedic boot into the door. So I could not get into my car.

The next 25 minutes was a process of getting into my car from the passenger side and getting behind the wheel. I'll spare you the details, save that by the time I was behind the wheel, I was sweating from the effort and pain, and frankly I was in tears at the ordeal. I my leg just hurt so much at that point, and I was so frustrated that someone could be so thoughtless.

It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, and if I wasn't hurt, it really wouldn't be.

But how could the driver know I was hurt? How could they not know?

Isn't the point that they can't possibly know, and therefore they should assume that I am, and that they should park away from my car?

This is some of what I try to get across to people. I try to live my life without negatively impacting other people as much as possible. That means that I think about what I do before I do it. Including stupid things like parking too close to the person next to me.

When's the last time you thought about how close you parked to the person next to you? About whether or not you've made it more difficult to go about their daily routine?

I try every day to make sure that my routine does not interfere with anyone else's, even if that means interrupting mine. I'd like to think that means I would get the same in return.

Evidently my karma isn't nearly so good. I must have been an evil person in a former life. Or perhaps it's because I'm so thoughtful that I seem to get shorted so often. Yin and Yang and all that.

Wherever there is great light, there must be great dark. What a bitch.


Karen said...

Sweetheart, I think you’re PMSing. : ) I’m sure that they didn’t even think about parking close to you and it was a fluke that 1) there was a person who couldn’t park well in the same area as you and 2) you’re hurt at the time the stars aligned and that person came in “contact” with you. KEEP SMILING or this kind of stuff will start to add up and you’ll begin to forget the benefits of being a nice person and you’ll only remember how you don’t get the same respect.

RandomBitsofDigitalFlotsam said...

I forget sometimes that we really haven't been friends forever.

That last line was actually told to me by a witch (a real Wicca witch) when I was in Arizona. The girl I was dating at the time was Wicca, and we went to visit some of her friends.

I was denied entrance to the house based on that last statement. Not that I was dark, but that I was light enough that I attracted dark. She said it was serious enough that she didn't want me in the house.

Whatever you may or may not believe, it was an absolutely surreal experience.

Karen said...

that is WEIRD.