Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I really have nothing to post. What an odd day it was.

So Darlene's brother gets into an accident this morning, and is in the ICU this evening. Severe head trauma. If he recovers, which isn't a certainty at this point, he will be permanently different.

I have trouble conceiving this. While never particularly fond of the kid, I don't comprehend how this happened.

I cannot put myself into those shoes, no matter how hard I try, and that's something I feel like I can do pretty well normally. It bothers me that I can't comprehend what life would be like without cogent thought. Or worse, with cogent thought but no way to express it.

If there is a hell, that must be it. For me at least.

I hope it does not come to that for Johnny.

There are not words entirely for what I feel right now. Empathy is a bitch sometimes.

My aches and pains and upcoming surgery pale in comparision. They aren't even worth discussing, let alone worrying about right now.

1 comment:

Karen said...

what's worse is that he put himseslf into this position with his own stupidity. Terrible price to pay, especially carrying around that fact with you the rest of your life.